Saturday, October 24, 2009

When can you start giving kids deodorant?

the other day i was on the bus and like 20 7-9 year olds got on, omg they smelled horrible!!!!! if they were wearing deodorant then i dont think that they would smell.... have u noticed that kids that age smell funny???? at what age is it ok to have then use deodorant on an daily basis????

When can you start giving kids deodorant?
When they start smelling!
Reply:I did not give deodorant to my child until she was 9 just recently. She wears it everyday now. I don't think there is a specific age. I gave it to my son at the age of 8 since it was that age I noticed a smell as well.
Reply:My Son started getting BO When he was about 6yrs old, I started buying him deoderant then.
Reply:I think deodrant would be ok to use on a daily basis, especially if they need it. My lil bro is 10 and he uses it. Little boys are different than most lil girls. They dont like to take baths. They would rather go around stinky and sweaty, so deodrant could only help
Reply:Girls are smelly before their periods. Please make them wear deodorant as soon as they are smelly. Growth of armpit hair is also an indicator for when they need to start wearing it.
Reply:I think when kids start puberty, It's at that time when their bodies start changing. My son's pediatrician, says that boys usually start when they turn 11 or so, not exactly sure for girls.
Reply:They start using deodorant when they start to have body odor. that means those glands are working now and you need to give him/her some deodorant. Just tell you child they are getting older and have to start doing some things that are different that go along with growing up. he/she'll be fine. probably excited they have to use deodorant like "adults" most of them anyway.
Reply:once they're starting to smell.The younger the kids are starting to smell really bad.I think a good age to start wearing deodorant is at 5 .I know it sound's young but they sell deodorant for kids and how else will they know about good hygiene
Reply:As soon as they start to stink...My sister started her kids out even earlier so they would just always remember...any age is will still have to remind they everyday...
Reply:Simple. When they are 9 years old for boys, and 10 for girls. But remember, deodorants, spray or roll-on, must be used under adult supervision.
Reply:when they start smelling
Reply:M nephew's been wearing deoderant since he was 8. Lots of kids that age do give off body odor.
Reply:I started my son on deodorant at the age of 11. There little kids they play there going to smell some. The parents need to make sure they take a shower.
Reply:That's really none of your business, actually. We don't know what their home life is like.

If anything, take a part-time job as an Avon Rep and go to each kid's home. Tell the parents you notice their kids stink and offer them a free sample of deodorant. (if you dare) You have no right to make a child that age, or to point out to a child that age, that they need to clean up. Their self-esteem is more important at that age. We need to encourage, not belittle them!
Reply:I believe when they are old enough to not be oversensitive to chemicals which is around ten I believe now this is only my gesstament so don't take it for fact good luck and good question because it can be asked about allot of different products we have that sooner or later our kids will use ?
Reply:No specific age is the perfect age. Whenever they start to sweat and stink, despite proper hygiene.
Reply:when ever they need it but dont judge someone by their smell
Reply:Different kids need it at different ages. Usually about age 8 or 9 is when girls start wearing it. Boys wouldn't ever start if moms didn't make them! :)
Reply:as soon as they need it, duhhhh
Reply:According to my daughter's pediatrician, they'll need deodorant when they start puberty. It's different for each kid, but you'll know when they start entering it when they start growing body hair.
Reply:my son is 7 and uses deodorant every day
Reply:we tell our students to bring deodorant to gym class.I know what you mean ! The teachers complain to us also,sorry !
Reply:You can start using deoderant on a daily basis at any age though it really isnt neccaceary until they have gone through puberty...
Reply:I think around the time they need - if it is real bad 8 or9 but on a usual basis wait until 11.
Reply:oh yes, i started my son as soon as he started smelling like a wet dog lol. about 10 years old.
Reply:all children should use deoderant when corn starch no longer keeps the smell at bay. My daughter has been using deoderant since age 8
Reply:Whenever they start having profuse body odor..just like a person should start shaving when they start growing hair...
Reply:When they start smelling
Reply:I think that its the parents responsibility to tell their kids about life, and the fact that its time to wear deodorant because they smell
Reply:At anytime when its deemed necessary by there parents. Should they seem to need it by 8 or 9 then you sit them down explain how their body is changing and they are growing, explain when and how to use it. Parents don't be afraid to really talk to your kids that's part of your job to raise them to be good people.


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