Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does roll-on deodorant work better than a stick?

Because I can't tell. And why do some days does deodorant not work?

Does roll-on deodorant work better than a stick?
For odor control, probably the stick is better. If you want to stop wetness, the roll on works better, because it seems to glue your pores shut. Years ago somebody warned against long-term anti-persperant use, but I haven't heard anything since. I stick to deodorant without anti-persperant and it does what I need it to do. Mennen Speed Stick works for odor, and it is cheap.
Reply:stick workd better than deodorant...
Reply:I've used spray, roll-on, gel, and I find that I like the sticks the best. Roll-ons tend to make things worse cuz it stays damp so it gets on your clothing more and doesn't help the sweat. The sticks are bad cuz it's harder to wash off so it can clump, especially for men with hairy armpits.

If you want to minimize sweating then you need an anti-perspirant, which clogs up your pores. I don't like them so I only use the clear deodorant sticks. If you're going to be sweaty and smelly you need to reapply, and if your body needs to sweat it's going to, it's unhealthy to not sweat, and the deodorant only tries to mask body odors, but doesn't prevent it.


1 comment:

  1. What ever works is best, but choose a deodorant that doesn’t clog-up the skin or preventing sweating.
    A good deodorant is one without leaving residues, stains and odours behind is best. I've been using UARMSOL deodorant for many years now, even when I sweat, I have no underarm or armpit odours. I applied 1 pinch and it's all to it for the whole day without worries about any smell afterwards. There's no chemicals, oil or fragrances added. No staining clothes too. There's no after sport smell or odour masking. And the best thing is I don't have to shave !



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