Saturday, October 24, 2009

Whats a good deodorant that hasnt made your shirt yellow in the armpit area??

i was wondering if there is such a deodorant that will prevent yellowing in the pit area of the shirt??? also does it work so my pit area wont seat????

please let me know of it if there is such thing also let me know what brand and store

thankz in advance

Whats a good deodorant that hasnt made your shirt yellow in the armpit area??
Degree spray on
Reply:secret clear solid
Reply:Deodorant and Perspiration Stain Removal

Yellow underarm shirt stains are likely caused by a combination of deodorant and perspiration. Many deodorants and antiperspirants contain aluminum salts. When these salts are combined with laundry detergent, especially in cooler water settings, they are not easily dissolved, and they remain on the fabric.

To remove the stains, try soaking the shirts in warm water with an enzyme pre-soak product or rubbing the soiled area with white vinegar. Wash in the hottest water safe for the fabric. If the stain remains, dampen and sprinkle stain with meat tenderizer. Let stand for about an hour, and launder again.

To avoid new stains from forming, always wash the shirts in the hottest water safe for the fabric. Also, allow antiperspirant to dry completely before dressing. :)
Reply:Deordorant doeesn't make the shirt yellow, sweat and time does.

so no, there's no such thing.

You can try stronger deordorants but they are all pretty much the same. Also, wearing clothing made from natural fibers like cotton will allow your body to breathe more and sweat less.
Reply:Sure solid original unscented is the only thing that works for me.

visual arts

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried deodorant powder ? For me I'm very paranoid about store deodorants especially artificial colours and chemicals in them.
    I've used UARMSOL deodorant powder for many years now and I have no problems with it, no more odours for me. Even when I sweat I don't have any odours, this deodorant works great and I'm loving it. I can't go out in the day without putting it on. I used to have very funky like cockroach smell, now no more. Even when I sweat my armpits don't have any smell. I applied 1 pinch and it's all to it for the whole day without worries about any smell afterwards. There's no chemicals, oil or fragrances added. No staining clothes too. There's no after sport smell or odour masking.



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