Sunday, March 14, 2010

How can you remove deodorant stains in dark colored shirts?

I have several black and dark blue shirts that I enjoy wearing but the deodorant (which is white will not wash out) What can I use to remove these stains??

How can you remove deodorant stains in dark colored shirts?
Whelp if water didn't do the trick, try a little salt water (yes sweat washes away deodorant so salt water would emulate sweat). If neither of those worked, I definitely recommend a Tide pen (you can buy them anywhere Walgreen's, the local grocery store, Walmart, Target, etc), cliche I know but honestly I haven't found ANYTHING that sucker can't get out, and I'm a klutz so you name it I've probably managed to get it on my clothes. Hope this is helpful!
Reply:You should rub the material against itself.
Reply:i would try the tide pen
Reply:baby wipes work wonders
Reply:vanish!!!!!!!!!good luck xx


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