Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Asked for ID to buy deodorant?

I found this ridiculous. I have bought deodorant since I was like 9 (I'm 16 now) and I went into the Co-Op to buy some and I needed an ID. Why is this? Who agrees that this is stupid?

Asked for ID to buy deodorant?
You can theoretically kill yourself instantly from aerosol abuse, you can also blind someone else with it. Its come about because of overzealous safety-obsessed pratts.

I will also say that you're LESS likely to be involved in these things if you're UNDER 16 - SHEER STUPIDITY!
Reply:What were you doing buying deodorant at 9 years old? Most 9 year olds I know don't go around buying deodorant. The way they smell is not exactly the top priority in their life. Perhaps you are a little wierd and they picked up on that and thought you might inhale the contents.
Reply:No its not stupid.. deodorant like alcohol and glue are sometimes used for abuse... not only do these safeguards protect the store from prosecution but also the wider community as a whole.. it is part of a responsible retail initiative...

how would you feel if your son at 15 was allowed to purchase potentially lethal goods without any safeguards.....

Believe me it would be easier for the store just to say Yes.. Yes.. Yes and sell anything to anyone...

Next time you see a group of youths drunk on the street causing chaos.. ask yourself.. WHERE did they get the substance?

Some use alcohol some abuse with other substances
Reply:I've been asked for ID for buying a 4 ounce bottle of automotive paint. They do it to dissuade younger kids from buying things like auto paint or aerosols for misdemeanor acts such as graffiti or inhalant drugs, respectively.

(I dont agree with this, to be honest, and it's just like asking for an ID on video games. It wont dissuade the individual from wanting to buy the game, so they will use other means to play it.)
Reply:This week I was asked for ID in a Bank which I have been using for sixty years and by a cashier who was young enough to be my great granddaughter. I must have been carrying my bag of swag.
Reply:Spray can? Then you should be asked for id. Anything in a spray can can be misused, especially if there is anything flammable in the can. Ever seen hair spray used like a torch?
Reply:Perhaps the manager of the co-op would be happy to explain the stores policy to you if you ask nicely.
Reply:Oh man you didn't know. Turn the can at an angle and snort the sh*t out of it. Oh man will you get high (and kill millions of those pesky brain cells at the same time)

Yeah its stupid that its gotten to the point where over the counter products are being misused. But alas, what are we to do.

ps, don't snort the deodorant.
Reply:would be funny if its roll-on ya bought.....:-)
Reply:That's stupid, definitely. Parents need to watch their own damn kids. That's the problem, all these people on here giving thumbs down while they should be watching their deodorant snorting heathens. That's the problem. You should be able to go buy antiperspirant without harassment. Any kid snorting that stuff is stupid anyways and needs proper parents. If more people were whipping out that rod and giving less timeouts we wouldn't have all these problem kids.

I have never ever been carded for stick or spray deodorant. That's really lame. For the past 12 years spray is all I buy.
Reply:I agree but that's how you get ahead in this world.

The more dumb people are the more things they seem to control
Reply:Because Co-op suck go into bodycare or boots or something ;)
Reply:They probably needed to verify that you are a member of the coop.
Reply:They'll also card you for canned air, NyQuil, whipped cream canisters, and a laundry list of other items now... if they'd just legalize drugs you wouldn't have kids snorting rat poison to get a buzz...
Reply:Yes, this whole thing of punishing everyone for the actions of a few stupid people is getting out of hand. Why don't we just make it illegal for anyone under 21 to buy or sell anything? That'd solve the problem, no? *smirk*
Reply:Its in case you inhale it and get high.
Reply:it's not stupid actually the reason they ask for i.d is because there is a lot of substance abuse going on
Reply:they ID for many things that can be inhaled.
Reply:no way!!!!hey whats the name of it so that i can buy probably get u really high!!!!hahaha
Reply:When I was a grocery cashier the last year and a half at Walmart, we were required to ID for anything that could possibly be inhaled as drug abuse. If anyone was underage or refused to show ID, we refused the sale. Some of the strangest things too but I understand why they ask for it.
Reply:What police state are you living in? I've never heard of such!

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