Friday, November 6, 2009

Why isn't deodorant used as a conversation starter?

It's something that everyone uses! Just like the weather, it's something that everyone deals with. It can take years for people to find the right kind of deodorant and there's all kinds that people can avoid if they just discussed it with people.

Why isn't deodorant used as a conversation starter?
so what deoderant do you use? I'm a sucker for girls that wear secret, the powder scent
Reply:Maybe people don't like to start converstions with that, it's like health class in school. Some and others thinks it rude because they aren't comfortable discussing it, maybe one day they will.
Reply:hi , i used deodorant today did you?..... sounds kind of insulting, guess that's why its not used in conversations
Reply:Because not everyone's comfortable with talking about armpits, their sweatiness or lack thereof. Wouldn't bother ME, though. I'd give new meaning to, "So, are you gellin'?"
Reply:"It's something that everyone uses!"

That statement is rather debatable.
Reply:because if you use it as a conversation starter someone might get offended.
Reply:Scenario one:

*on the first floor elevator going to the 10th*

Suzy:Hi how are you today?

Stranger: Good thank you and yourself?

Suzy: Oh I am fantastic see I just got this new deodorant and it is fabulous! see? Smells like flowers! Oh can I smell yours?

Stranger: "oh I'm sorry this is my floor" gets off elevator on the 3rd floor. Will wait for the next one

Scenario 2:

*In waiting are of a nice restaurant*

Suzy: Hello. Beautiful restraunt huh?

Woman in black dress: yes it is

Suzy: Hey let me just ask you what deodorant you use. You can't even see it! I mean you could use a shave but your deodorant you can't see! It's amazing!

Women in black dress: Umm thank you, I think. Ya know what I think I just heard my cat outside. Nice talking to you.

See not much of a conversation starter.

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